Natural Spirals
milky way



nautilus shell

Sound vibrations

Ancient spirals petroglyphs


Celtic triple spiral

Phaistos disk, Greece
Spiral labyrinth

Mayan world tree

Native american medicine wheel sand painting

Islamic translation of the text ' secret of secrets' (attributed to aristotle)

India central mountain

Mount Meru central mountain

Christian tree of life

Russian folk world tree

Odin and the nordic world tree

Jacob's ladder

The Ouroboros and the Tetractys

Yin Yang in 3d

(knowledge of phi and logos)
Golden mean phi spiral


Kogi temple, columbia

Plato's Cave

Dna helix


Alchemical and Astrological world trees and planispheres

Chinese Calendar

Indian astrological diagram

Zodiacal planisphere

Robert fludd integra natura

Music of the spheres 9 Graces and 3muses

Graeco-roman world tree

Tree of Alchemical processes

Kabbalah Sefirot tree

Christ transmutation and ascension

Steps on the ascent

Macrocosm Microcosm

The Realms and beings

Chaldean tree

Rosecross cosmology

Jacob Boehme cosmology

Kabbalah Correspondences

Srimad Bhagavatam cosmology
Pythagoras Model

Tyco Brahe Model

Ptolemaic cosmology

Aristotle's great chain of being

Dante's universe

Tree of lunar cycles

Buddhist wheel of cyclic existence in the six realms

Ken Wilber chain of being

Kabbalah tree of life

Flower of Life- ancient pattern of creation


Fractal embedding and compression

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